What is Compliance Management? 

The goal of Compliance Management is to reduce an organisation’s overall risk of non-compliance with the legal, regulatory, and industry standards that apply to the business. Effective corporate compliance management covers internal policies and rules, including policies, procedures, internal auditing, audits by independent third parties, documentation, and technological enforcement.

The laws and standards which specifically affect an organisation regarding compliance management vary and are dependent on certain factors, including the size of the company, its industry, and jurisdiction. There are, however, key factors that apply to all companies in terms of compliance management.

Risk Owners and Managers must:

  • Understand their responsibilities, their companies’ processes, and keep updated on market trends or new legislation affecting their industries.
  • Ensure employees understand and adhere to compliance requirements.
  • Align business functions with applicable standards and procedures.
  • Review processes and operations to ensure compliance requirements are
    met in all areas.
  • Correct and update violations and apply remedial measures where
    necessary and relevant.

Why is Compliance Management important?

The enforcing authorities, backed by the courts, are clamping down on legal and regulatory infractions and imposing penalties and fines, prompting companies to take their compliance obligations more seriously. This is prompting many to hire the right talent and employ the right software tools, to help ensure that they remain compliant and operating within the parameters of the law.

Safeguarding an organisation from compliance infractions can be costly, but adopting the “ostrich approach” and ignoring it can make non-compliance a very costly outcome indeed.

The Challenge

As a compliance professional, much of your time is spent juggling priorities and putting out fires. Employing the right talent with the expertise you need to get the job done correctly is already costly, then there are the additional expense of operating and maintaining the right software systems with the added complexity of making these work with your own dashboards, reporting and data storage systems. Constantly changing legislation and finding the appropriate guidance can also be problematic. Having spoken with hundreds of customers in this position over the past 5 years, we know that you are not alone.

The Solution

Risk Warden is an all-in-one digital Risk and Compliance Management platform, which works out of the box, yet is fully customisable and can be easily integrated with other data systems via APIs. This cloud-native solution offers multiple efficiencies and time-saving features including an off-line mobile App for fast and efficient on-site Risk Assessment data input.

Risk Warden can be accessed from any computer anywhere in the world, thanks to its SaaS cloud technology architecture. The Risk Warden platform has been designed by risk and compliance domain experts, clearly evidenced through its comprehensive and highly customisable approach to Risk Management.

With excellent in-App training and user guidance, the platform provides efficient interactive support at every stage of the user adoption journey.

Powerful live dashboards and on-demand reports allow you to track every aspect of compliance across your entire portfolio yet with the ability to drill down and analyse the very smallest estate component in fine detail. Track all aspects of your compliance governance through to completion, whilst monitoring your overall compliance position.

And that’s not all; Risk Warden provides a multitude of compliance functions your compliance without:

Configurable Custom Compliance

  • Globally define what compliance governance is required for all areas of your business.
  • This approach is completely future proof as it allows you to change your
    compliance requirements as legislation and regulation changes. These changes are automatically inherited across your entire estate.

Compliance Inheritance

  • Property, assessable area and asset compliance governance are configured using a top-down approach, making it highly efficient and easy to manage.
  • Compliance areas are assigned to a property or asset type that governs the estate components connected to this type unless they are refined lower down the estate hierarchy (tree).
  • Changes to estate types resulting from the evolving regulatory landscape or the introduction of new internal policies are automatically propagated to all connected estate components.
  • Properties, assessable areas and assets can override or refine their compliance requirements if a specific need arises.
  • If compliance governance is changed at a property level, then the
    assessable areas will automatically inherit these requirements as will any
    future changes.

Detailed Visual Compliance Status & Overall Risk Position

  • Instantly access a high-level overview of your company/estate showing where you currently stand from a compliance and risk perspective.
  • Drill down to view more granular areas within your estate from the overview, to analyse and zoom in on potential problem areas.

Goal Orientated Task Compliance

  • Enforce specific information that you want to be captured prior to task completion including:
    • Before and after images
    • All information required for sign-off
    • Relevant compliance documentation that needs to be captured.
    • Relevant risk assessments that need to be completed.

Gap Analysis

  • See where any compliance gap exists at all times using Risk Warden’s powerful, real-time, visual dashboards and reports.

Risk Assessment Activation:

  • Corrective actions are automatically converted into actionable tasks and assigned to the right person
  • All tasks can be fully tracked with a complete and immutable audit trail.
  • Easily reassign tasks and/or collaborate on them with your team and contractors.
  • Capture all necessary evidence straight from the task card.
  • Link back to every part of the process, from initial risk assessment to task

Asset and Pre-Planned Maintenance (PPM) Compliance

  • Compliance related documents with an expiry date or PPM requirement become tasks that are assigned automatically to the right person
  • Easily reassign tasks and/or collaborate on them with your team and contractors.
  • Track and analyse all compliance task requirements
  • Capture all necessary evidence and compliance data straight from the task card

Multiple Entities

If your organisation is divided into multiple entities or sub-companies, then this
Risk Warden feature is for you:

  • Each entity can be responsible for managing different parts or aspects of your estate management.
  • Users assigned to a specific entity will only see estate components, assessments, documents, tasks, etc., specific to that entity.
  • Global or group users will be able to see and report on all information under all entities.
  • Role-based permissions and granular estate access ensure that only the appropriate individuals can access or input data within permissible compliance areas or estate components.

Unlimited Assessor Collaborations:

  • If your estate is spread over a large geography or has various risk types, you can easily collaborate with multiple risk assessors from multiple firms.
  • Simply invite risk assessors that you want to work with, and they will automatically receive an invitation enabling them to register and gain instant access to their own free Risk Warden account.
  • Your risk assessment process can include a built-in quality assurance validation process that works out of the box.
  • Every assessment is automatically scheduled for reassessment based on the original reassessment date.
  • Reminder timeframes are automatically set and scheduled, allowing you enough time to plan and execute reassessments.

Everything in the Risk Warden system links digitally back to an estate component:

  • Whether it’s an action or task, a document, an assessment, or a hazard within an assessment, everything remains connected and auditable.

Reporting and Dashboards:

  • View all Risk and Compliance data across your entire estate or a specific entity in real-time.
  • Drill down using automated or on-demand reports to identify issues and conduct trend analysis.
  • Overall Compliance scores and detailed compliance status (per estate component).
  • Create your own custom reports and dashboards specifically required to meet your organisation’s needs.

Granular Estate Access Rights:

  • Grant restricted access to individuals based upon territory relevance

In summary, Risk Warden saves you time and enables you to effortlessly maintain compliance accuracy and audit-ready across your entire estate. It makes the process of Compliance Management faster and easier than ever before, allowing you to pinpoint red flags and bottlenecks proactively ahead of time.

But don’t just take our word for it; why not see first-hand how Risk Warden can transform your Risk and Compliance Management. See how the platform can improve your Compliance processes, optimising data consistency, and unlock the power of real-time dashboards and on-demand reporting. Experience how Risk Warden is helping organisations like yours operate more efficiently and remain at the forefront of the UK’s rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.

Request your 1:1 demo with a member of our sales team or simply sign up today to get immediate hands-on access to the platform and your own free Risk Warden account.

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